2018 Feb

America’s healthiest and least healthy states


America's healthiest and least healthy states (CNN)Despite years of efforts to even out health disparities across the United States, some states are dramatically healthier than others, according to a new report. Massachusetts, Hawaii, Vermont, Utah and Connecticut rank as the five healthiest states, while West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi rank the least healthy in America's Health Rankings, according to the report by [...]

America’s healthiest and least healthy states2018-02-28T21:43:08+00:00
2018 Ene

After Weight Loss Surgery, What’s Next?


After you’ve lost weight from having bariatric surgery, your body will suffer a tremendous change and you need to be ready to accept it. It will start in the face, chest, abdomen, arms, and legs. During these changes, bariatric patients ask me many questions about their next step. Below are a few of the most common questions: “What treatments can help me other [...]

After Weight Loss Surgery, What’s Next?2018-01-09T17:49:33+00:00
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